Hey a little shout out to everyone. As Pastor of Victory Way Baptist Church, I am excited to be a part of starting this church in Abilene Texas. My wife and visited Abilene in January of this year and knew almost immediately that God wanted us to come to Abilene and start a church. I was pastoring the Yampa Valley Baptist Church in Craig, CO and after prayer and seeking advice, was prepared to resign the church in Co an come to Abilene, but.... the entire church wanted to move with us! This set the wheels in motion for where we are today. The process has not gone as smooth as we first hoped, so if you meet some of us from Co and others coming later and some back and forth hopefully you will understand, but, our hearts are in Abilene. As of this writing I believe six families are making the move or have already moved to Abilene to get this church started. I hope that you will get in and be a part. Miss Sandy and I are here for you if you have a need give us a shout out and get ready for God to many great things down the road.
Pastor Wilkinson
